Welcome to Crystal Muse!
Crystal Muse was born in July 2019, from my sunny lounge on the North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand.
I have always had a collection of crystals, from as early as 8 years old, when my mum would take my sister and I to the local crystal shop in Devonport. We were allowed to browse the ailes of crystals and ocassionally buy a tumbled stone or two for our collection. As I got older, my love for crystals was always an interesting past-time, but it wasn't until my late twenties, when my spirituality had been re-ignited with the law of attraction. It is within my new found love and success with the law of attraction and spiritual teachings from Eckhart Tolle and other Zen Spiritual teachers, that my interest in spirituality evolved and grew.
And so 'Crystal Muse' was born, to provide high quality, hand picked, beautiful crystals to you and many people all around the world!
Each crystal has been hand picked by me and cleansed before delivery!
Thank you so much for being part of the Crystal Muse community!
Lots of love,
Chrystal Rogan